The Story

The Bible story. 
Although Encounter is an artistic and theatrical project it has to have a basis of truth from the bible account.

So what does the Bible say about Legions character and the story.
Where does the musical pick up these issues.
Musical has the song: 1. Come with us
and all the sketches to flesh out temptation.
Even the Romans need to be there as the occupying power that should have solved this problem!

Matthew chapter 8 refers to:   

Calms the storm on the Lake.
Musical has the song : The Storm

Legions (plural) Fierce, 
Musical has sketch 5 and the song : The Day of the Legion
Terrorist to anyone passing.
Musical has the songs : 
5. Who stole my peace: 
6. Legions song of despair.
7. Back to the grave
Musical has the ballad part 1.
Devils -  recognize Jesus and plead to go into the pigs.
Musical has the ballad parts 2 to 3.
Musical has the songs : 
8. Lost lost and found: 
9. Reaching Out
10. As I am
11. You are my peace.
12. The Power
Pig herders - report to the town.
Ask Jesus to leave.

Luke adds

naked, not worn clothes or lived in a house
lived in the graves
cried and agonized before Jesus. A pitiful wretch.
Don't torture me.
Breaking chains during moments of affliction.
Driven man into the wilderness.
Large herd of pigs.
A lot of people saw the incident.
Legion in his right mind siting at the feet of Jesus.
Legion to stay in the area after Jesus leaves.
Musical has the ballad parts 4, 5.
Song 13. I am willing.

Mark adds

No one could bind him.
Rejected, jailed.
Chains useless. Broke and tore them apart.
Cry and cut himself through the night.
When he saw Jesus he ran and fell down at his feet.
Devils named after deliverance as legion.
Pigs pigs pigs and more pigs.
In his right mind.
Musical has the ballad part 5.
Song 14. Life from the grave (Every ones going to be so beautiful in heaven)
Song 15. Just as I am
Song 16. Waiting
Song 17. Can I dream of love again.
People afraid of this power

Fitting into the whole story of the bible.
Salvation, deliverance, peace with God.


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