Grim: What’s next for our fine fellow now he has fed on some light.
Action: Tempt him to fall.
Grim: Embarrass himself.
Action: Begin the dark art of conflict.
Grim: Practically though
Smooth: Right, get him to join a movement.
Grumpy: People we can bend stretch and turn on a pin head.
Action: Brutal.
Grim: Precisely.
Grumpy: How about the Gaderene freedom workers party.
Action: Join the GFWP
Smooth: Truly representing down pressed hard working pig farmers
Grumpy: Up the proletariat,
Smooth: They haven't been thought of yet
Grumpy: Ah , Liberté, égalité, fraternité
Smooth: That also hasn't been thought of yet
Grumpy: Right, so its bash the Romans
Action: throw out the Syrians,
Smooth: and the Persians, Greeks, gypsies and travellers.
Action: Not many left then
Grumpy: A few hundred peasant pig farmers
Smooth: It's our land
Grumpy: Not after the pigs have been through
Action: Real mess
Smooth: Exactly
Grim: Now here are the slogans
Smooth: Power to the people
Grim: Sight to the blind.
Smooth: Freedom for the captives.
Grim: The acceptable night has come.
Action: Power means us in charge
Grumpy: wreaking havoc,
Smooth: pulling the strings
Grim: Sight means you will see as never before.
Smooth: What no mother ever wanted you to see!
Action: Deceptive.
Grim: Freedom for the captives, just rolls off the tongue
Smooth: Quite meaningless phrase
Grumpy: until we encourage unlimited darkness.
Smooth: Acceptable night.
Grim: That's our prince of darkness.
Action: It allows us to dominate from below.
Grim: Smooth: Action: Grumpy: It's a win win for the dumb and stupid