Sketch 6. Tell me about Legion. (With artistic licence.)
Grim: Now tell me about one of our target Legion. How did it all start.
Action: A simple being, trusting and confident, he seemed content with his lot.
Smooth: Good home, family, mum, dad, brothers, sisters, normal human.
Action: There were few luxuries, a successful young life.
Grim: And what was the plan.
Grumpy: Disruption, arguments with his parents,
Smooth: Falling out with brothers and sisters,
Action: Practiced disobedience, rejection of authority
Smooth: Illegal activity, stealing, lying, cheating.
Action: We got “Evil of the year” award for our work.
Grumpy: Yeah sin bin medal, ……. cool.
Grim: And
Action: It didn’t happen quite how we expected.
Smooth: He began to believe in evil.
Grumpy: Married a beautiful lusty girl and had several children, played
away from home, scored a few…........ outside goals.
Grim: So he was thrown out.
Action: His father threw him out
Smooth: His wife did throw him out
Grumpy: His children disowned him.
Action: And his community rejected him.
Grim: And where did he go
Action: To the graves, lived among the tombs
Grim: And what did you do
Action: We brought in the death squad for almost immediate collection. Job done
Grim: You stupid devils. Have you any idea what you have done
Action: We have done our job,
Smooth: We smothered the light in him
Grumpy: We delivered him like a turkey for a feast. Wicked
Action: All trussed and wrapped ready for eternal darkness.
Grim: No you haven’t.
You just made him a greater candidate for forgiveness.
You stupid devils.
Action: But he is so foul
Smooth: So dirty
Grumpy: So frightening
Action: So despised
Smooth: So rejected.
Action: So pitiable,
Smooth: So destroyed,
Grumpy: So little left of a human being
ALL: Grumpy: Action: Smooth: No one could love him. .......... Surely not loved.