
1. Am I bovvered, YES greatly.          Am I worried, YES. 
1. March 29th. 
Catergory: Christian Resonse 
2. Confusion by a deadline
2. March 29th. 
Catergory: Self employed agony. 
3.  The Fly: I tried to believe in            God
3. March 29th. 
Catergory: Christian tongue in cheek. 
4. A clap for the NHS
4 March 29th. 
Catergory: Thanks. 
5.  If you don't say I can't pray

5. March 30th. 
Catergory: Prayer.
6. To a friend in need (Covid-19         ICU) 

6. March 31st. 
Catergory: Prayer.
7.  Grandson: Ethan aged 4 and a       half. Inquisitive! The vIRUS!

7. March 31st. 
Catergory: Family. Grandson
8.  The Newsreader.  
8. March 30th. 
Catergory: Humour..   Sorry very sorry. Bring back Ronny Barker.
9.   I stood beside the soft sandy          shore.

9. March 30th. 
Catergory: Humour..   
10. Harry aged 15 
Boredom a remedy.
10. April 2nd. 
Catergory: Family. Grandson.   
11. Maggie aged 13... Scared! and        a story with a poem of hope.
11. April 3rd. 
Catergory: Family. Granddaughter.   
12. I am what I am Cerys_14. 
A poem of confidence and hope.
12. April 5th. 
Catergory: Family. Granddaughter.   
13. Shopping and the vIRUS. Or        why did we do that!
13. April 5th. 
Catergory: A morality tale  
14. Its judgement said the snail          to the rabbit below!
      Work in progress
14. April 5th. 
Catergory: A morality tale  
15.  Palm Sunday and the road          dips downwards to...... Oh dear
15. April 6th. 
Catergory: Passion Week Palm                  Sunday through the days
16. A prayer the Test! Endurance        and strength.
16. April 6th. 
Catergory: Prayer. For my friend in need (Covid-19)
17. From Dawn till Dusk. A                  concert near you.
17. April 7th. 
Catergory: Nature a concert
18. Bless you bless him and              bless the doctors and nurses too 
18. April 7th. 
Catergory: Prayer. For my friend in need (Covid-19)
19. A Government directive. Hibernation said the Dormouse 
19. April 9th. 
Catergory: For Children, Humour, Instruction, Political.
20. Life and our human frailty! 
21. Prayer what IS Prayer, tell 
      me before I die!
Video with audio and music.
20. and 21. April 9th. 
Catergory: So if I ... 
Why pray. The how of prayer! 
22. Stay home, Stay safe, Save the NHS.
N22. April 12th. 
Catergory: Tragedy and why we will do this.
cevvew paragraph
23. Mis pronounciation. Why can't people say their worms right!
23. April 14th. 
Catergory: Ridiculous stupidity,
shocking, foolish!
24. Nuts whole                        hazelnuts. 
      Pass me a nut!
24. April 22nd. 
Catergory: Humour the vRUS and the economy!
cevvew paragraph
25. Miles aged 11. Life sparkle and excercise
25. April 22nd
Catergory: Family, grandson.
26. Special prayer for covid patient. 6 weeks and recovering.
Prayer for the recovering and those loved ones we lose.
26. April 24th. 
Catergory: Prayer. For my friend in need. For doctors, nurses, all staff (Covid-19)
cevvew paragraph
27. Waiting and the Prize
27. May 4th
Catergory: Waiting, hoping.
28. Dumb
28. May 4th. 
Catergory: Humour
cevvew paragraph
29. Interuption, distraction, furloughed
29. May 6th
Catergory: Waiting and the Search for solution?
30. Birthday for Dennis
30. May 7th. 
Catergory: Family
cevvew paragraph
31. For Steve regular dependable Steve
29. May 10th
Catergory: Covid-19. In memory of steve.
32. Comment on the change after a few disgruntled remarks
30. May 13th. 
Catergory: Following change to Stay alert, slowly coming out.
cevvew paragraph
33. Hospital. The Smile.
32. May 16th
Catergory: Thanks for the NHS and staff
34. Instant was the cry
33. May 20th. 
Catergory: Instant advice. Fool
cevvew paragraph
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